Call for Speaical Session
ITIKD focuses on recent developments and findings in the domains of computational intelligence, knowledge discovery, modern trends of cyber security and other IT innovative systems.
The conference is technically sponsored by IEEE, and all accepted papers will be published in IEEE explore and indexed by SCOPUS.

13, 14, 15th April 2025
Guidelines for Special Session Organizers:
Contribution of 7 research papers is mandatory. Submission of the Special Session proposals should match the theme of the conference; it is the responsibility of the organizers to review their Special Session papers and ensure that these meet quality standards. Prospective organizers of Special Sessions should submit proposals in the following format by November 30th, 2024 at Publication fee for one paper will be free for the session chair.
- Title of the special session
- Objectives of the session
- Special session organizer(s), affiliation, e-mail ID and phone number
- List of suggested reviewers, if any